Thursday, March 29, 2012

Why Your Business Should Have Training In Accident Prevention ...

It is easy to underestimate the risk of accidents in the workplace. People can easily overlook what poses a trip hazard while some people even simply laugh off how dangerous slips can be. However, slips, trips and fall accidents actually account for well over half of all major workplace injuries every single year and this startling statistic simply cannot be argued. The simple fact is that slips and trips are highly dangerous yet they are also, in the most part, completely avoidable by simply following some simple rules.

It is statistics such as this that make it clear how important it is as a business to make sure that you receive adequate training on how to avoid these types of simple accidents. These are important as they allow you and your staff the ability to have a workplace that is safe and secure to work in. This means that you can of course avoid the pain and anguish that a serious trip or fall can bring, but from a business perspective it also means that you can effectively save money.

Slips and trips cause serious time off of work that cost you and your business money in sick pay and can cause other indirect costs such as lost business and reduced output. Not only that, but of course there is the chance of being sued or having to assist or even completely pay for treatment and assistance. It can also be bad for public relations and of course as an employer you have a duty of care in the first place so ethically it is important that you do everything possible to avoid these sorts of accidents as well.

Many employers believe training is confusing, expensive and too time consuming. However, there are a number of companies that will come to your office or place or work and teach you and/or your staff about the basics of health and safety and avoiding trips and falls. This training is highly cost effective, and when weighed up with the potential costs described above, can quickly become invaluable. The truth is that some training can be as quick as just twenty minutes as well, meaning minimum fuss and disruption to you business. After this training, it is simply a case of making sure that you and employees practice what was learnt to see instant and dramatic improvements in the level of health and safety.

So, the question really is can you afford NOT to have this type of training?!

iHASCO offers a range of programmes that deal with health and safety issues. The programmes offered are truly interactive, enjoyable and knowledge-packed. They allow you, your team and your business to benefit from advanced health and safety training which will make your workplace safer and more enjoyable to work in.

falls prevention


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