Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Globe Wireless Launches First Of Series For Maritime - SatNews.com

Satnews Daily January 28, 2013

Globe Wireless Launches First Of Series For Maritime (Event)

[SatNews] ?...with our other sponsors, can be used to help make the world a more connected place,?

Globe Wireless announced today the first of a series of Globe Wireless Satellite Communication Conferences to be held this year. The first will be in Hareid Norway, March 5 & 6, 2013. Dave Kagan, President & CEO of Globe Wireless, will provide opening remarks and will be joined at the event by representatives from Inmarsat, SpeedCast, Jotron and other experts in the field of satellite communications.

Keep pace with the ever-changing maritime satellite communications market! The conference will consist of invited guest presenters and cover topics relevant to understanding and maximizing the use and impact of the newest communication solutions, best practices, crew welfare and industry updates.

The conference format is designed to be an open discussion style to engage the maritime community and understand the needs and issues that are faced in the communications area. Live demonstrations and use of VSAT and FleetBroadband technology will be available to those attending.

The Globe Wireless Satellite Communications Conference is free and open to the Ship owners, ship managers and other maritime community members. To register, click on the graphic on the right.

?The Globe Wireless Satellite Communications Conference is an excellent way to discuss the trends, challenges and future of satellite communications and its role in the maritime industry. It?s an honor to host this conference and share some of the ways in which Globe Wireless, along with our other sponsors, can be used to help make the world a more connected place,? stated Dave Kagan.

Source: http://www.satnews.com/cgi-bin/story.cgi?number=1684474878

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