Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Healthy Optimism and A Positive Attitude - The Self Improvement Blog

flyingBy Dr. Robert Henry Schwenk -

Healthy Optimism Will Get You Far

If you want to fly unaided, using only your hands and arms, no amount of positive thinking will allow you to do that flying. As a matter of fact, of course, if you stand on the top corner of a high building and spread your arms and hands and expect to fly when you jump off that building you will kill yourself.

On the other hand, healthy optimism will get you farther down the road of life than pessimism. Health and wealth are just two of the possibilities that may come your way when you hold a consistently positive attitude.

Studies have shown that people who are consistently affirmative in their attitude toward everything and everybody enjoy better health than those who do not. A whole craze has grown up around casting positive vibrations upon the Universe, expecting positive return on thoughts and feelings from the Universe.

Neither Too Hot Nor Too Cold

Healthy optimism, in my opinion, is somewhere between fatalistic pessimism and irresponsible optimism, sometimes called Pollyanna-ism. Fatalistic pessimism might be defined as believing that everything, all the time, will turn out poorly or badly. Irresponsible optimism might be defined as the attitude that everything all the time will turn out well or good. That one can fly unaided would be irresponsible optimism; that one can never fly in any way might be fatalistic pessimism.

Healthy optimism has got to be somewhere in between.

You Can Fly

Of course, you can fly ? in a plane or a giant kite or in the newer para-suits where you look like a flying squirrel. The person who set out to learn to fly, by holding a positive attitude, kept working and inventing until human flight become possible. Enter the Wright brothers and their flying machine.

So positive thought long held will produce results. Those results can be, literally, in any walk of life, through any occupation or avocation. Your life can be improved through healthy optimism.

How Do I Get One?

Simply said, you develop a positive attitude by developing a positive attitude. Yes, I know the former sentence sounds redundant. But is it really redundant? If your attitude is negative at this time, you?ve got to turn things around by turning your mental posture in a different direction.

You?ve got to see the virtuous and benevolent in everything and everybody. Yes, I know that is not easy in every case. Sometimes it is downright difficult when it comes to some people or some disasters.

Your atrocious boss may try to browbeat you into submission with his impossible demands and deadlines. The tornado that destroyed your home and took all your possessions is not easy to see as presenting opportunities to find the good in it.

A Foundation Is Necessary

To develop and keep healthy optimism you need a foundation upon which to build. You need a place where you may position your confidence that things will turn out, if not for the best, than better than first might meet the eye.

You find such a foundation in the meaning of life, which, I believe, is to be happy. You find that happiness by developing a genuine relationship with The All There Is. You develop that relationship by being in constant touch with The All There Is through such activities as the many forms of meditation.

In that relationship you will find total and complete acceptance from The All There Is. In that absolute acceptance you will find happiness that weathers every and all conditions. There is no greater feeling of well-being than to be perfectly accepted just as you are right now. A supreme feeling of well-being is happiness. Said another way, happiness is a feeling of constant well-being.

Develop That Base

Use one of the forms of meditation and begin today to develop healthy optimism that your life be positive. You can turn your life around in this moment by deciding you will develop the foundation and the relationship that leads to the ability to maintain positivity.

Get to it.

I invite you to be Happier In Five Minutes http://www.createspace.com/3724772 and for the Rest of Your Life This book will give a great start on being happy. Buy it now.

Kindle Version: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007TVBI36

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Robert_Henry_Schwenk



Source: http://theselfimprovementblog.com/self-improvement/self-improvement-tips/healthy-optimism-and-a-positive-attitude/

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Source: http://nortonroyce.typepad.com/blog/2012/09/healthy-optimism-and-a-positive-attitude-the-self-improvement-blog.html

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