Sunday, February 12, 2012

Video Games At The Grammys | Video Game Reviews - SpotGames

b5bc0 Video Games At The Grammys    Two Video Game Songs Get Nominated  Video Games At The Grammys

If ??? follow Awards Season, th?n ??? know th? Grammys ?r? th?? weekend. J??t ?b??t a year ago, Th? Feed featured m? th??ght? ?n wh? video game music deserves a dedicated Grammy Award. In th? intervening year, th? Grammys h??? gone through a major overhaul, reducing th? total number ?f categories fr?m 109 down t? 78. Wh?l? th?? m?? sound l?k? a b?d thing f?r video game music, ?t really isn?t. In truth, both original ?nd compilation game soundtrack albums (?nd individual songs) h??? b??n eligible t? win a Grammy award, ???t n?t ?n a dedicated category. B? th?t ?? ?t m??, ?f w? ?? game music fans h?d ?n? ??? ?n th? nominations ?r categories, things m?ght b? different.

Video game soundtrack albums ?nd original songs ?r??t?d f?r games ?r? eligible ?n a minimum ?f three Grammy categories:

Best Score Soundtrack f?r Visual Media

Best Compilation Soundtrack f?r Visual Media

Best Song Written f?r Visual Media

Th? first Grammy going t? a piece ?f music fr?m a game, h?w???r, came fr?m ?n entirely different category. Last year, Christopher Tin won th? award f?r Instrumental Arrangement Accompanying Vocalists f?r h?? composition, ?Baba Yetu.? Th?? track w?? released commercially f?r th? first time within last year?s nomination window, despite dating back t? 2005 wh?n ?t w?? featured ?n Civilization IV. Th?? w?? th? first time a piece ?f music originally ?r??t?d f?r a video game won a Grammy Award. Incidentally, Christopher Tin ?? ?b??t t? release a n?w album ?f original electronic music called ?God ?f L???? ?n February 14th, (????ll?nt timing!) under th? name, Stereo Alchemy.

Hypothetically, wh?t w??ld a dedicated Video Game Grammy category look l?k? th?? year, ?f such a thing existed? L?t?s ?t?rt w?th X-Play?s Best ?f 2011 ?? a base list. Th??r nominees f?r Best Soundtrack w?r?:

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Th? Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Th? Legend ?f Zelda: Skyward Sword

Portal 2

Superbrothers: Sword Sworcery

Now, l?t?s b? f??r ?nd apply th? same rules th? Grammys ??? t? determine ?f ?n album ?? eligible f?r nomination. First ?nd foremost, yes, each ?f th??? games released a soundtrack album. Deus Ex: Human Revolution received physical ?nd digital releases fr?m Sumthing El?? Music. Skyrim composer Jeremy Soule released a mammoth, four-disc set through h?? ?wn l?b?l. Th? Skyward Sword soundtrack w?? packed ?n w?th th? game (THANK YOU, Nintendo!). Th? smart people ?t Valve gave th??r music away f?r free leading up t? Portal 2?s release. And Jim Guthrie?s Sword Sworcery LP ? Th? Ballad ?f th? Space Babies w?? released ?n a glorious 180 gram vinyl edition, wh??h sold out incredibly f??t (b?t ?? receiving a second printing) along w?th a Bandcamp digital edition.

Th? next step ??, w?r? th??? albums released within th? eligibility window f?r Sunday?s awards? Th?t window w?? fr?m September 1, 2010 t? September 30, 2011. Unfortunately, th?t puts Deus Ex ?nd Skyrim out ?f th? running f?r a nomination th?? year, ?? th?? w?r? released ?ft?r th? nomination window (b?t th?r? ?? d?f?n?t?l? next year! Hint, hint!). Th? same goes f?r Skyward Sword. Th? music f?r Portal 2 b?g?n releasing ?n M?? ?f 2011, ?? ?t m?k?? ?t through. Sword Sworcery released ?n April, ?? w? h??? two eligible nominees ?? far. Wh?t t? d? w?th th? ?th?r three slots ?n ??r imaginary category?

L?t?s ?t?rt b? consulting ??m? tr?? experts ?n th? field ?f video game music, th? Game Audio Network Guild, wh? ???t th?? week announced th??r ?wn list ?f nominees f?r th? G.A.N.G. Awards. Th??r picks f?r Best Soundtrack Album ?r?:

Batman: Arkham City

Dead Space 2

Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary

Star Wars: Th? Old Republic

Th? Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Uncharted 3: Drake?s Deception

Using th? same set ?f rules ?? w? d?d f?r th? X-Play nominees, ??? eliminate ?ll th? albums (based ?n th??r release dates) except f?r Jason Graves? chilling soundtrack t? Dead Space 2, wh??h ?? truly worthy ?f consideration.

Next, l?t?s look t? th? indie games world f?r ?th?r potential nominees, starting w?th Minecraft. Th? music f?r th?? unique building game, composed b? artist C418, received both a digital ?nd physical release within th? nomination window, ?? d?d Danny Baranowsky?s wonderful music f?r Super Meat Boy.

Th? AAA games world gave ?? a trio ?f potential nominees. Russell Shaw?s music f?r Fable III ?? eligible ?nd d?f?n?t?l? a worthy consideration. Next ?? Halo: Reach, Martin O?Donnell, ?nd Michael Salvatori?s coda f?r th? Halo Verse. Th?n th?r? ?? Assassin?s Creed: Brotherhood, wh??h ranks up th?r? ?? ??m? ?f Jesper Kyd?s finest work ?n th? AC franchise. H?d th?r? b??n a soundtrack release f?r James Bond 007:?Blood Stone, ?t w??ld m??t d?f?n?t?l? h??? deserved consideration, ?? Richard Jacques knows h?w t? craft Bondian themes.

And, whoops, well, th?t w??ld m?k? eight nominees wouldn?t ?t? Ok, ??? know wh?t, th?r? ?r? ?ft?n more th?n five nominees ?n ??m? categories ?nd ??n?? th?? ?? pretend anyway, l?t?s consider ?ll eight ?f th??? ?m???ng releases f?r th?? exercise, shall w??

Now, here ?? wh?r? w? ??n h??? ??m? fun. Y?? g?t t? d???d? wh??h album w??ld win, ?f th?? Grammy category existed. Pretend ??? ?r? a member ?f th? academy ?nd vote now f?r ?Best Video Game Soundtrack Album? w?th a comment below!

Note: Th?r? ?? a pixel ?f hope th?t ?n album more th?t ?? more th?n tangentially related t? games ???ld take home th? Grammy f?r Best Score Soundtrack f?r Visual Media ?n Sunday, ?? Daft Punk?s ?n?r?d?bl? score t? Tron Legacy ?? ?m?ng th? nominees.

If video game music takes up more room ?n ???r iPod th?n ?n? ?th?r genre, ??? m?ght b? ?? inclined t? follow Rick Damigella?s Twitter Feed.


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