Thursday, May 31, 2012

Harold Berman's Revolution in Western Legal Thought, Part I ...

In a series of posts, I will discuss the great enterprise of the late professor Harold Berman. ?That enterprise was nothing less than to relate fundamental developments in Christianity and other core beliefs to fundamental developments in law. In this post I will introduce Berman and his project. ??In the second, I will summarize some of the most important themes of his books. In the third and fourth, I will offer my own views on some of the implications of his narrative for liberty.

?? Harold Berman was a professor of law for approximately sixty years, first at Harvard, then at Emory. When I was a student at Harvard, he was known around campus mostly as a specialist in Soviet law?a legal system now happily defunct. ?Nevertheless his work on the history of the West reflects his experience of Soviet law in two important ways.? First, Soviet law reflected an ideology and Berman sought to show that law throughout history was not simply functional but always reflected far-reaching worldviews. ?Second, Berman thought the Western tradition was worth defending?both against the external threat of communism and the internal threat of nihilism, which Berman saw represented in law by the Critical Legal Studies Movement growing up around him at Harvard.

The canvass on which he labored was enormous. ?His first book Law and Revolution: The Formation of the Western Legal Tradition wound a course through the German folk traditions to the papal investiture controversy under Pope Gregory VII to Henry II?s confrontation with Thomas A Becket. ?His second book, Law and Revolution II: The Impact of the Protestant Reformation on the Western Legal Tradition considered how the reformation theology of Luther and Calvin transformed law in both Germany and England. He was at work on a third volume that would have extended his history of law?s development through the French Revolution.

No sketch of Harold Berman can be complete without a reference to an epigram in which he summarized children?s natural grasp of natural law: ??A child says, ?It?s my toy.? That?s property law,? he said. ?A child says, ?You promised me.? That?s contract law. A child says, ?He hit me first.? That?s criminal law. A child says, ?Daddy said I could.? That?s constitutional law.?


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Fun in the sun: A look at youth summer sports camps, clinics in ...

The Girls' Sports Program at the San Antonio Sports Complex encourages socialization and personal empowerment.

Now that school is almost over, parents typically start looking for summer camps and fun outdoor activities for their children to do.

But if you haven't yet started or don't know where to begin, then don't worry - we've got your back. Oakland Local has searched and put together a list of free and affordable things for kids of all ages - especially young and teenage girls - to do this summer.

Girls' Sports Program

The city of Oakland's office of Parks and Recreation Youth Sports Department, has a new home. Since March, Oakland's boys and girls' sports programs are run and administered from the San Antonio Sports Complex, located at 1701 East 19th St. in Oakland.

?We were told in February that we were going to be given a center,? Christina Bagwell, the girl sports coordinator for the Girls' Sports Program at the complex, said. ?The focus of our center would be on providing a variety of sports that are out there. It gives us a little more flexibility and freedom. We now have more options to run programs freely or better.?

The girls' program consists of sports leagues, camps and clinics in basketball, softball, soccer and other sports. The program is available to young girls between the ages of 5 and 18.

?There?s this negative connotation with the city of Oakland. People assume that our programs are the same as neighboring cities," Bagwell said. "Our programs are ahead because most of them are free.?

Bagwell said that both the girls' and the youth sports programs have experienced many obstacles.

?There are always obstacles when it comes to city programs,? she said. ?However, we are trying to do more with less because our department is all about that. We find a way to hire and keep staff. This city-wide program serves hundreds of kids a day. Having this site will offer a solution to some of our obstacles, with one being staff retention.?

Aside from the sports programs offered, the office of Parks and Recreation also teaches girls about physical activities such as cheerleading, Double Dutch, track and field and golf.

?As a part of the program, we offer a girls? sports summer camp here at the San Antonio Sports Complex,? Bagwell said. ?Our services are offered to girls of different ages and stages. Young girls tend to go for Double Dutch, cheerleading and basketball. Most of them are drawn to that.?

?We do Junior Warriors, Junior Giants and Junior Football,? Bagwell added. ?We run that together. These are city-wide programs. We have tournaments held at centers all throughout Oakland.?

For more information, contact Bagwell at (510) 238-2952 or

Girls' Sports Summer Camp

The goal of the Girls' Sports Summer Camp is for girls to be inspired and disciplined. According to Bagwell, girls in the camp have the ability to be both active and learn the concept of teamwork.

?We help girls build self-esteem, especially in a world where the media is telling them to be a certain way,? she said. ?This program is extremely important because it builds so many character traits that at times, are not identified in the moment. It both builds and reveals character. It also allows young girls to express themselves in a community environment.?

The registration deadline for this summer camp is June 15. The camp officially begins June 18 and ends Aug. 24. The fee for kids ages 6-12 is $50 and $30 for teenagers between the ages of 13 and 15.

?A big thing that we do here is introduce them to new avenues,? Bagwell said. ?There are sports other than basketball that they can do or get into.?

Weekly activities for the Girls' Sports Summer Camp include: swimming every Tuesday and Thursday at Fremont Pool - located at 4550 Foothill Blvd. in Oakland - and field trips every Friday.

?We often take field trips, go to recreation centers in the city and help the environment by taking public transportation on our trips,? Bagwell said. ?Before we didn?t have a site; this year we are hoping for an enrollment of 60 kids. We are excited to offer this program and are just trying to establish a foundation for programs and services to be offered for summers to come.?

The weekly field trip cost for kids is $15. The San Antonio Sports Complex hours are from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. There is a free summer lunch program included; after care from 3:30 to 6 p.m. is available for $10.

?We go to Six Flags, Great America and to an Oakland A?s and a San Francisco Giants game,? Bagwell said. ?Every Friday, the city rents buses and provides us with free transportation. We also go roller skating, ice skating, bowling, to the Oakland Zoo, Golden Gate Park, to the Grand Lake Theater, Roundtable Pizza and the East Oakland Sports Complex.?

Double Dutch

For four years now, the Redwood Heights Recreation Center has held a free double-dutch class. This year-round class meets every Friday at 3883 Aliso Ave. in Oakland. According to Bagwell, it is the most established Double Dutch class in the Bay Area.

?In my history, the department is so passionate to offer and serve the community,? she said. ?There is a lot of passion and commitment from our staff and department.?

Junior Giants T-Ball and Baseball

The Junior Giants baseball program is designed for kids of all ages. This is a free program that is held at recreation centers and other sites including Allendale, Golden Gate, Bushrod, FM Smith, Carmen Flores, Arroyo Viejo, Mosswood, Poplar, Lincoln Square, Manzanita, San Antonio, Franklin, Rainbow, Montclair, Dimond, Tassafaronga and Garfield.

?We definitely like to utilize our fellow regional parks, nearby cities and recreation centers,? Bagwell said. ?There are approximately 24 centers throughout the city of Oakland.?

The Junior Giants T-Ball program serves kids ages 4-8 and runs during July and August. According to Armond Gray, the youth sports coordinator for the Youth Sports Program, sign-ups have already begun.

?Although sign-ups started May 14 online or at any recreation center, the league starts June 23,? Gray said. ?People need to register on June 22 from 8:30 to 11 a.m. They can do so at their nearest recreation center or at whatever center they decide to play in.?

Depending on the site, practice days for Junior Giants T-Ball vary. Usually, game days are held on Wednesdays.

?We have ordered about 600 to 900 jerseys for the entire Junior Giants camp,? Bagwell said. ?The league is comprised primarily of middle school kids.?

Older kids between the ages of 7 and 19 can participate in this instructional baseball league, too. As with the T-ball league, these kids will play in the program from late June through mid-August.

?We are excited to offer so many programs,? Bagwell said. ?We don't like to close programs and turn down students. We have offered scholarships to many programs before. We know the benefit.?

For more information, contact Gray at (510) 238-6279 or

Ace Kids Golf

The Ace Kids Golf program is free for youth ages 9-17. It lasts through the summer and during each school year. Parents are advised not to drop off kids at selected golf courses. Instead, participants must be picked up from a recreation center or school site, transported to a golf course and then returned to the original pick-up location.

For more information, contact Preston Pinkney at (510) 351-5812, ext. 23 or

First Swing Golf Program

Adults and kids of all ages are welcome to learn the basic skills needed to play the sport of golf. Classes are held on Mondays from 8 to 10 a.m. or from noon to 2 p.m. To learn more about youth and teen classes and class schedules, contact George Henderson at (510) 535-5608.

Warriors Basketball Camp Summer 2012

The Golden State Warriors will host five basketball camps in Oakland; including four starting July 9 at the Warriors Practice Facility in Downtown Oakland - located at 1011 Broadway. The other camp session will be held at Head-Royce School, located at 4315 Lincoln Ave. in Oakland.

Boys and girls, ages 7 to 15, have the opportunity to learn individual skill development and basketball fundamentals from current and former Warriors players and coaches. Prices range from $270 to $300. To receive discounts for multiple sessions and siblings, you must register by May 31.

For complete details on Warriors Basketball Camp and to sign-up online, visit or call (510) 986-5310.

Oakland Middle School Soccer League

All middle schools in Oakland are invited to participate in the Oakland Middle School Soccer league. This league is run entirely by volunteer coaches. Schools that have played in this league prior to this year include KIPP, Lighthouse, Madison, Montera, UPA, UFS, ASCEND, Melrose, Roosevelt and Edna Brewer.

For more information, contact Matthew Linzner at (510) 407-5347 or

JAM Camp West 2012

JAM Camp West 2012 is a seven-day music and dance program intended for youth ages 10-15. The program costs $860/$845 ($15 discount if paying by check or money order) and runs from July 21-27. A limited amount of scholarships have been made available for this program, which is held in Loma Mar, (Northern) Calif.

For more information on applying for a scholarship, visit or call (510) 287-8880.

Juan graduated from San Francisco State University in May 2011. He is currently a contributor and intern for Oakland Local.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Jason ?Mayhem? Miller retires from fighting at UFC 146 loss and dismissal from UFC

Jason "Mayhem" Miller is a man of his word.

The now-unemployed fighter said before his bout with C.B. Dollaway that if he'd lost, he'd retire. He dropped a decision at UFC 146 on Saturday, then was cut from the UFC.

On Monday's "MMA Hour," he said he's walking away from fighting after winning 23 bouts and losing nine.

"Every fighter gives the same answer when they say they're retired. Pretty much every fighter says 'I'm retired until I need money.' I'm a pretty smart dude, I have other avenues open to me."

Miller hosts MTV's "Bully Beatdown," and is, as he puts it, a smart dude. He gets business and selling his own brand, which is why he uses the flamboyant entrances that Dana White blasted.

He also shed light on the "backstage incident" White referred to when discussing Miller's dismissal at the UFC 146 post-fight press conference.

"It was my mask," Miller said. "Burt suddenly started yelling about my mask. I had a gas mask for the troops underneath my paper bag, and Burt started telling me right as I'm walking out for the fight. I'm trying to get focused instead of arguing about a paper bag. Maybe it was my fault for, I don't know, I thought we had an understanding once I start walking out to the cage that now I'm working, but obviously we're not on a playing field of mutual respect."

He is referring to UFC backstage director and jack of all trades Burt Watson. UFC events being the well-run events they are has much to do with Watson and the respect fighters afford him. If there is just one rule that supersedes every other in the UFC, it's listen to Burt. Fighters, employees, media and anyone doing business with the UFC knows this. Whether Miller is right or wrong is not important.

Now, Miller will have both the time and freedom to figure out his next move. He tweeted on Tuesday:

Don't worry. I'm not dead. Just analyzing it all so I can share my human experience with you.

Though his next move won't be in a cage, it will still be interesting to see what Miller does with his post-fighting life

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Europe worries stalk Wall Street; Dow loses 161

Specialist Michael Pistillo center, works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, May 30, 2012. Fear about Europe's financial stability caused traders to retreat from most investments seen as risky Wednesday, punishing U.S. stocks and pushing the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note to a record low. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Specialist Michael Pistillo center, works at his post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange Wednesday, May 30, 2012. Fear about Europe's financial stability caused traders to retreat from most investments seen as risky Wednesday, punishing U.S. stocks and pushing the yield on the benchmark 10-year Treasury note to a record low. (AP Photo/Richard Drew)

Fearing a financial rupture in Europe, investors around the world fled from risk Wednesday. They punished stocks and the euro, and the yield on a benchmark U.S. bond hit its lowest point since World War II.

In the United States, where concerns about Europe have already wiped out most of this year's gains for stocks, major averages fell more than 1 percent. The Dow Jones industrial average closed down 161 points.

With Spain's banking system teetering and Greece's political future unclear ahead of crucial elections next month, European stocks lost even more. The euro dropped below $1.24, to its lowest point since the summer of 2010.

"Everyone's just afraid that if Europe doesn't get its act together, there will be a big spillover in the U.S.," said Peter Tchir, manager of the hedge fund TF Market Advisors.

He said the uncertainty over Europe's future was reminiscent of the financial crisis in the fall of 2008, when it was briefly unclear whether banks would be bailed out and "we had these giant swings up and down."

Wall Street, which woke up to increased anxiety over higher Spanish borrowing rates, was down from the opening bell.

The Dow closed down 160.83 points, or 1.3 percent, at 12,419.86. The Dow has had a miserable May, losing more than 6 percent, and is on track for its first losing month since September.

The Standard & Poor's 500 index lost 19.10 points to 1,313.32. The Nasdaq composite index fell 33.63 to 2,837.36. Energy stocks were hit hardest because of a big drop in the price of oil, but stocks in all major industries fell.

The trigger for Wednesday's sell-off was Spain, where the banking system is under strain a week after its fourth-largest bank required $23.8 billion in government aid to cover souring real estate loans.

Investors are increasingly worried that problems at the bank, Bankia, might recur at other Spanish banks. Many lent heavily during the nation's real estate bubble. Losses from the real estate crash might be too big for Spain's government to shoulder.

Spain has enacted harsh government spending cuts to bring its budget deficit within strict new European guidelines. But the country is in a recession, has 25 percent unemployment and might need a bailout, like Greece, Ireland and Portugal.

On Wednesday, borrowing rates rose sharply for Spain and Italy, which are seen as the next problem cases in a debt crisis that has rocked global markets for more than two years. Traders dumped bonds issued by those governments.

The yield on Spain's 10-year bonds, a key indicator of market confidence in the country's ability to pay down its debt, shot as high as 6.69 percent, the highest since the euro currency was launched in 2002.

Intense demand for low-risk, easily tradable securities led investors to buy U.S. government debt. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note plunged to 1.61 percent from 1.74 percent late Tuesday.

Wednesday's yield appeared to be the lowest since 1945, said Bill O'Donnell, head of U.S. Treasury strategy at the Royal Bank of Scotland, citing data from the European Central Bank and other sources.

Federal Reserve daily records only go back to 1962, and those reflect a previous record of 1.70 percent, set May 17.

"There's just a massive flight to safe-haven assets today," O'Donnell said.

He characterized the rush into U.S. bonds by citing a well-known, unsavory analogy made by Richard Fisher, the head of the Federal Reserve's Dallas bank: "The U.S. is the prettiest horse in the glue factory."

Yields on German government bonds, also seen as safe, turned lower.

Concern about Europe lurked around every corner: The European Commission said consumer confidence fell sharply across the region last month. Spaniards withdrew money from their banks, spreading fear about the Spanish government's ability to go on without itself being bailed out. Spain's main stock index closed down 2.6 percent.

An opinion poll in Greece showed that the far-left Syriza party is gaining support ahead of elections June 17. Syriza opposes the system of bailouts and sharp budget cuts that have kept Greece afloat but also gutted its economy.

If the party wins, Greece may be forced to exit the euro currency. The shock waves could reach nations that have received bailouts, like Portugal, and those that might need them, like Italy.

Until the Greek elections next month, things will be too uncertain for the U.S. market to sustain a meaningful rally, said David Kelly, chief market strategist at J.P. Morgan Funds.

If Greece's leaders allow the bailouts to continue and European governments start spending to spur growth, Kelly expects the market eventually to rise. If Syriza wins and Greece is expelled from the euro, he expects a volatile market for months.

Amid the tumult, Europe's executive branch called on the 17 countries that use the currency to create a "banking union" that can centrally oversee and, if needed, bail out national banks.

If Europe's financial crisis plunges it into a deep recession, global economic growth will likely falter, reducing demand for commodities and machines that power growth.

Fearing that outcome, traders pushed the stocks of heavy equipment maker Caterpillar and aluminum company Alcoa to among the biggest declines of the 30 companies that make up the Dow.

The euro fell as low as $1.2360, the lowest since the summer of 2010. Benchmark stock indexes closed down 2.2 percent in France, 1.8 percent in Italy and Germany.

When banks and big investors get frightened, they sell stocks or bonds and park the money in the safest government debt markets. They buy Japanese yen, German bonds and especially U.S. Treasurys.

Such purchases are not about turning a profit, said O'Donnell of RBS. That's why German government two-year notes are paying zero percent: People are simply handing their money over for safekeeping.

The U.S. Treasury market is still considered one of the safest places in the world to stash billions in a hurry. At $11 trillion, no other market is as large, so there's always somebody ready to buy or sell them.

"When people just want to get their money back, there's not a lot of competition," O'Donnell said.

Food and energy commodities fell sharply. Crude oil lost more than $3 to below $88 a barrel. Crude has been falling steadily since the beginning of May, when it traded as high as $106 a barrel.

Kelly, of J.P. Morgan Funds, said investors should remember that the U.S. is on firmer economic footing than Europe, and make sure their portfolios could withstand either possible outcome.

"Things could be much better, or much worse, than the markets have priced in," Kelly said. "The only logical investment strategy is to be balanced ? to get to the middle of the boat."

Among U.S. stocks making moves:

? Monsanto, the agricultural company, was one of the few big gainers in a sea of red. It jumped 2.2 percent after its CEO said this year's earnings will likely surge 25 percent, far more than Wall Street had been expecting. Sales were strong in its seed and chemicals business, including Roundup herbicides.

? Research in Motion, maker of the BlackBerry, plunged 7.1 percent after the company said late Tuesday it had hired a team of bankers to help it weigh its options ? Wall Street jargon for a possible sale or reorganization. RIM's business has been crumbling as smartphone users move to iPhone and Android devices.


Daniel Wagner can be reached at

AP Business writer Matthew Craft in New York contributed to this report.

Associated Press

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World News - Number 2 al-Qaida leader in Afghanistan killed in ...

By staff and news services

KABUL, Afghanistan -- The second highest al-Qaida leader in Afghanistan was killed in a weekend airstrike in the country's volatile east near the border with Pakistan, NATO-led forces said on Tuesday.

Saudi Sakhr al-Taifi, also known as Musthaq and Nasim, was responsible for commanding foreign insurgents and directing attacks against coalition and Afghan forces, NATO said in a statement.

He frequently traveled between Afghanistan and Pakistan, carrying out commands from senior al-Qaida leadership, supplying weapons and equipment to insurgents and transporting insurgent fighters into Afghanistan, the statement said.

He was killed on Sunday in the Watahpur district of Kunar province after being identified with another al-Qaida militant.

No civilians were harmed and no civilian property was damaged, the statement said.

Reuters contributed to this report.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Four Things You Think You Know About South Africa

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Which tablet platform to pick for your App iOS, Android, Windows or HTML5?

John Koetsier shares an interesting post on picking the tablet platform for the app that you develop.

John Koetsier shows the various choices of platforms available for the developers to develop an App that includes iOS , Android , Kindle Fire , Windows 8 , BlackBerry and HTML5

Below is my short opinion on the picking the platform for development.

Apple?s iOS is the leader in tablet sales and android being the leader in smartphone sales. With the Windows 8 to be launched officially later this year, it sounds like there are plenty of opportunities for the developers to develop or even port their app to different or almost all the popular platforms.

Almost all the platforms above support HTML5 with different levels of support. Check to know more about how well does the browser support HTML5?

HTML5 may be a good option for the developer to look out for developing and porting the app easily across multiple platforms.

Some HTML5/JavaScript based libraries could also be looked at like

  • Phone Gap
  • Sencha Touch
  • JQuery Mobile
  • And more?

There is certainly an advantage on the Native development on these platforms and going HTML5 way or Native Way totally depends on the kind of project, target audience and the business model.

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Business Innovation In Practice: How Can You Build The Brand Of ...

on May 28, 2012 by Nikos Chatzis in Business, Innovation, News, Comments (0)

(Source of Photos: / Virgin Atlantic / Business Innovation /)

By Richard Branson /

  • Q: I?m an avid follower of Virgin inventions as well as a marketer. How do I improve my sales? I sell life insurance and would like to build a company from scratch. ? Maina Gachanjah, Kenya
  • A: The key to improving sales is to make sure your business or product stands out in the marketplace. We have always tried to ensure that Virgin products are innovative, that they offer good value and that there?s a great attitude about service. When you have those basics right, you need to make sure people know about your business: Too many great businesses remain ?well-kept? secrets for too long and never get the attention they need to grow and thrive. / Business Innovation /
  • Make sure your advertising, your public relations and your general marketing are direct and believable. They also need character. From the early days of Virgin we always looked to surprise, entertain and sometimes shock people with our advertising. One reason was that we had lower marketing budgets than most of our rivals. Another was that we always felt we were the newcomers ? the underdogs. In music, this approach was easier than in some other businesses, since we had edgier bands and were willing to take risks on acts that others were not.
  • For our fledgling airline business ? a totally new area for Virgin, and one where people wanted to know we were going to survive and be safe ? the approach was a bigger risk. Still, we needed to get the best bang for our buck, so we used me to make the headlines with stunts and stories. We also made sure our advertisements were funny and attention-grabbing. It worked. Immediately we created a character for the airline that was cheeky and irreverent. We have used this tone for many of our businesses ever since.
  • Of course, cheek and fun are not appropriate to all industries. We used a very different approach in the early advertisements for our financial services. Those messages were memorable for their directness. They were very hard-hitting. To win people?s trust, we emphasized our transparency and openness. We also came up with great products, like our ?One Account? ? a checking and a mortgage account rolled into one ? to ensure that we built sales and customers quickly. / Business Innovation /

  • Q: I?m opening a transport company to meet demand generated by small businesses that need to sell their production in a fast, efficient way, in southern Brazil. In a country with a high degree of entrepreneurship as well as bureaucracy, do you think the government and major financial institutions should encourage the development of small businesses, usually family businesses? ? Vinicius Frazzon, Brazil
  • A: I think a transport business focused on meeting the needs of small businesses is a great idea, especially in a developing market. You want to help ?small businesses sell their production in a fast, efficient way.? How are you planning to do it? Are you going to use fuel-efficient or hybrid vans and trucks? Are you planning to do short runs with small loads at a cheaper price than your competitors? You must define what your unique difference will be. I am heartened by your focus on small businesses and your desire to be efficient and fast ? this should help you combat the larger players in your field. / Business Innovation /
  • As for whether governments should help small and family businesses, definitely yes! I am a big advocate of governments? doing all they can to help small businesses get off the ground by making sure that red tape involved in starting and running companies is not onerous. Banks should be encouraged to provide fair lending, and tax incentives should be properly structured for business-builders. When I started 40 years ago, there were fewer obstacles for an aspiring entrepreneur. Small, medium-sized and family businesses are the lifeblood of any economy. They create jobs, competition and innovation. A thriving country should have lots of small businesses springing up. / Business Innovation /

Entering A Market, Where A Lot Of Sharks Are Swimming..? / Business Innovation

  • Q: What are the key considerations for a new participant entering the market where a lot of sharks are swimming and holding their areas? ? Gerda Stokmane, Latvia
  • A: A new business must be well thought through and has a clear service, product or plan. You should be able to demonstrate a real difference to the existing ?sharks? early on and keep driving that message home to your potential customers. At Virgin, we look for markets where the customers are not well-served by the dominant player and where we can make a difference with a well-priced service ? one that usually has a bit of edge. / Business Innovation /

  • Our airline businesses are a prime example of swimming with sharks. Look at Virgin Atlantic, Virgin Blue and Virgin America. All compete against much bigger rivals and hold their own pretty well. The Virgin three have distinct character, great products, cheeky advertising and loyal customers. Virgin America has been named ?best domestic airline? twice in a row by readers of Conde Nast Traveler magazine, thanks to its modern planes, excellent service and fabulous crew. This is a winning formula that allows a new player to thrive and survive in even the most fiercely competitive markets. / Business Innovation /

Tags: Aircraft, airplane, Airplanes, Brand Development, Branding, Business Innovation, Richard Branson, Virgin Atlantic

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Monday, May 28, 2012

ANA Endorses President Barack Obama's Re-Election Bid

The American Nurses Association?this week announced its endorsement of President Barack Obama for re-election.

"Increasing access to care and transforming the American healthcare system from one that focuses on illness care to a system that emphasizes prevention, wellness, and care coordination have been ANA's priorities for more than two decades," said ANA President Karen A. Daley, PhD, MPH, RN, FAAN.?"ANA remains committed to supporting President Obama's efforts to fully implement and fund the Affordable Care Act."??

According to ANA, the Obama administration has consistently supported the nursing profession by appointing nurses to key leadership positions and creating new opportunities for nurses to deliver care through community health centers and school-based health centers.

The president has also supported nursing workforce programs, which include nurse faculty education and expanding loan repayment and scholarship programs.

"The Obama administration values nurses' expertise and understands that nurses need to practice to the full extent of their education, training, and licensure in order to fulfill the vision of healthcare reform," Daley said.?"We're honored to have the support of the American Nurses Association, and we look forward to working with them throughout the campaign," said Jim Messina, Obama for America campaign manager.

"President Obama believes affordable, reliable health insurance is an important part of middle-class security. He refuses to go back to when health insurance companies had unchecked power to deny coverage when you get sick or charge women more than men simply because of their gender," Messina continued.

"Americans who work hard and pay their premiums deserve the security that comes with good healthcare - and America's nurses know that. With their help, we'll ensure that President Obama has another 4 years to continue implementing the landmark health reforms that are already helping millions of Americans save money and lead healthier lives."

ANA will connect members who wish to engage actively?in the president's re-election efforts with the campaign's?Nurses for Obama?group. ANA has members in all 50 states and all U.S. territories, and has been making endorsements of candidates for? president since 1984.

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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Consenus is Key for International Business in Barbados | l ? l Bajan ...

Prime Minister, Freundel Stuart. (FP)

Consensus is critical in defending Barbados? international business sector against the brutally competitive environment in which it operates daily.
This assertion was made by Prime Minister Freundel Stuart this morning as he addressed the International Business Stakeholders? Consultation at Hilton Barbados.

?When all is said and done, actors in this sector must agree amongst themselves of the real value ? financial and otherwise ? of this sector to the economy of Barbados. Nothing but consensus in this office will suffice,? he said.

But, he conceded that 47 years after the passage of the first piece of legislation to promote the sector, the consensus to which he referred still did not exist.

?The international business and financial services sector, like every other economic sector, is dependent on a well functioning relationship between the Government, Private Sector and the Trade Unions,? he said.

During his feature address, Mr. Stuart highlighted the work being done by the Barbados International Business Association (BIBA) and Invest Barbados to ensure that this country?s international business and financial services sector remained competitive and provided support to Government through marketing of the sector.

He also gave the assurance that his office would continue to partner with entities such as BIBA and other stakeholders in the industry to continue to drive it forward.

Mr. Stuart stressed that it was with consensus that the various actors in the sector would feel the need to work together with a clear understanding of their interdependence.

?I refer to the International Business Division of the Ministry of International Business and International Transport; the BIBA; the Inland Revenue Department; the Financial Services Commission; the Central Bank of Barbados; the Labour Department; the Immigration Department; the Customs Department and Invest Barbados, among others,? the Prime Minister stated.

Mr. Stuart issued the challenge to those present to find and create plausible solutions to the issues raised during their discussions and to develop plans that would gradually remove age-old complaints and obstacles.

?In every economic sector it is crucial that stakeholders come together periodically to deliberate on the issues impacting on the sector, with a view to finding solutions which would chart the best way forward,? he said.

By Julia Rawlins-Bentham

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Yahoo! Music, Sony, Universal and Metallica News, May 26, 2012

News this past week stressed the seismic music industry shifts of the past decade as experts analyzed why the Yahoo! Music service is booming and explored Sony?s increase in market share and its implications on the hotly-contested EMI deal. Also, Metallica members talked about their struggles to stay afloat in the current business climate.



Yahoo! Music Thriving Under the Radar


Yahoo! Music is enjoying 27 million monthly U.S. visitors despite massive industry changes; yet, this success seems to be escaping the attention of artists and music executives, according to a recent article on While the company got some negative media coverage recently when it lost some major executives, Ken Fuchs, the president overseeing sports, entertainment, music and other verticals claimed the recent changes will not affect Yahoo! Music.


And to which factors does he attribute the success of the service? Fuchs stated that it is a combination of brand alignment, the availability of robust emerging artist services, mobile services and the company?s focus on breaking original ground:? ?[The recent staff change] certainly doesn?t affect our mission and our ability to continue to build on creating a great voice on breaking news and original programs.? He added that Yahoo! is ?ramping up in video programming,? which includes interviews, video series and live and on-demand concerts.


In April, the site enjoyed 171 million unique visitors in the United States, declared a report from comScore. And Fuchs said that its popularity has been building excitement among music fans both on and offline, which has helped the service direct traffic around its diverse offerings, or, as Fuchs stated, ?the water-cooler events that create conversation and create context for that conversation. It could be a big concert. It could be breaking news.?


Major artists account for a lot of the traffic. Whitney Houston?s funeral was among the top 10 live streaming events in Yahoo?s history. And the Clinton Foundation Concert, which saw performances by Lady Gaga, Bono and Usher had more than one million live streams at the time of broadcast and has garnered well over 20 million video streams and 13 million content interactions since it aired. The popularity of these events has brought brands like Nissan and Unilever into the fold to sponsor genre-specific major events with big artists.


However, Fuchs stressed the growing popularity of Yahoo! Music can also be good for emerging and independent artists, because the focus of the service is always on ?music discovery:?? ?We try to do it in a fairly intimate way, through strong editorial, access to artists and, more and more, original programming and live performances that create a very unique canvas to perform and interact with their fan bases.?


Yahoo! has also introduced several products across its different platforms that could significantly add to the strength of its music service. One is the Yahoo! ?Social Bar,? a social media interaction tool that has been downloaded by over 68 million and sees about 40 million monthly users. The ?IntoNow? mobile app could also help Yahoo! better serve music fans and artists by informing Yahoo! of music listeners? preferences. It tracks the shows people watch and delivers this information to Yahoo! so they can shape their programming. Fuchs said it works similarly to Shazam and SoundHound:? ?You can be watching a football game or CNN or a live concert and it will understand and pick up the signal regardless of what?s coming out of you TV and drop into an experience where you can get more information, you can interact with friends around that show ? It allows the user to get deeper, especially around big events like concerts or sporting events or the Grammys.?


Above all, Fuchs continues to hope that Yahoo! Music will continue to grow by giving consumers what they want musically:? ?We believe in being able to extend our experiences across screens and scale. So whether it?s a concert with the National and Bob Wier that?s fully available across all screens, or it?s the Clinton concert or breaing news, we don?t really care where you?re accessing it from, we want you to be able to access it.?


Sony vs. Universal:? Who Will Win the War for Top Tracks?


Although the spotlight is currently on the EMI deal, with many industry analysts and critics scrutinizing the fairness of Sony Entertainment?s and Universal Music Group (UMG)?s takeovers of two divisions, no one seemed to notice report that Sony overtook Universal in U.S. market-share rankings over a month ago until this past week. And the experts at Billboard stated this is because those in the music industry fretting over the potential deal might be picking the wrong battle.


Sony surpassed UMG in year-to-date album market share including track equivalents in the first week in March. It also held the #1 spot during the month, only relinquishing control in the final week of the first quarter, ending April 1. Recent figures from Nielsen SoundScan reported that UMG?s market share for music albums is 30.35 percent, vs. Sony?s 29.14 percent, which contradicted numbers from SounScan, which reported the two companies were even closer, at 29.98 and 29.36 percent, respectively.


Despite the on-going battle for market share between the two major labels, critics continue to focus on the EMI merger, which still has an uncertain outcome, as no final decisions have yet been made by trade commissions. They have failed to notice the race between Sony and UMG for top spots on the charts, which many feel could provide important insights into the future of the label system.


Billboard stated that whether Sony or UMG will ultimately grab more market share likely depends on album release schedules. Many analysts are banking on Adam Lambert?s ?Tresspassing? to put Sony over the top, even though that album has not had as many weekly scans as other #1s before it. Sony has some big releases coming up, including albums from One Direction, Usher, Kenny Chesney and R. Kelly. And these releases, on paper, look stronger than the releases on the UMG side, who will only have Justin Bieber?s ?Believe? and Maroon 5?s ?Overexposed,? both going on sale in June.


However, analysts at Billboard noted that which company wins the market share for albums has become less of a focus than which has put out the most popular individual tracks. And a look at the popularity of albums has seen Sony on top almost every single week this year so far. But UMG has been the winner when it comes to individual tracks through this past week:? 32.66 percent vs. Sony?s 25.89 percent. If Sony wants to win the war, it will have to keep a steady schedule of strong individual track releases.


Metallica:? Touring to Stay Afloat


The dissolution of the former business models within the music industry as it makes way for new income streams has seen even big bands like Metallica working harder for a buck, according to an article in Rolling Stone, reported by Classic Rock magazine.


Metallica guitarist Kirk Hammett stated that, while the band used to be able to take a few years off after a big album release and accompanying tour, thanks to dwindling music sales and royalties, members now have to be on tour almost constantly to stay afloat:? ?The cycles of taking two years off don?t exist anymore. We were able to do that because we had record royalties coming In consistently. Now you put out an album and you have a windfall maybe once or twice. But it?s not the way it used to be ? a cheque every three months.?


He said that he believes Metallica and other big and small artists have had to get more creative than ever in the past few years when determining different income streams that will pay for future projects and necessary growth as musicians. All Metallica?s recent merchandise sales on the road together paid for their new recording studio. And even though Hammett and his band mates calculated that they will likely only break even at the big Orion Music Festival in June, they are optimistic about future opportunities: ??We basically take funds from wherever we can. This is a real luxury, but great things come out of this.?

Tags: album release, EMI, Metallica, music marketing and promotion, Sony, touring, Universal, Yahoo Music




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Japan minister visits nuke plant amid safety worry

Japan's environment and nuclear minister visited the tsunami-crippled Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant on Saturday to inspect a spent fuel pool at the center of safety concerns and said it appeared to have been properly reinforced.

The visit by Goshi Hosono, apparently aimed at demonstrating the safety of the facility, came amid renewed concerns about conditions at the plant's No. 4 reactor after its operator reported a bulging of the building's wall. Nuclear regulators ordered a new investigation and seismic tests of the building and its pool.

The building was damaged by an explosion and fire soon after the Fukushima plant was hit by a massive magnitude-9.0 earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. The pool, located at the top of the building above the reactor, remains one of the plant's biggest risks due to its vulnerability to earthquakes.

The plant's operator, Tokyo Electric Power Co., has reinforced the structure and says it now can withstand temblors as strong as last year's quake.

A small group of journalists was allowed to enter the reactor building for the first time with Hosono. Inside there were piles of broken wall panels, pieces of cement and mangled equipment, showing the magnitude of the explosion.

Hosono, wearing protective coveralls and a full-face mask, climbed a narrow scaffolding to the fifth floor to see the pool, which was covered with a protective tarp. TEPCO officials lifted part of the cover to show the water surface.

Hosono later told reporters that he could see that the pool had been sufficiently reinforced.

"I could see steady progress being made toward removal of the spent fuel (from the pool), which is the next major goal," he said.

The fuel rods in storage pools are not enclosed as they are in reactor cores and could cause a greater release of radiation in case of a loss of water.

Ikko Nakatsuka, a vice minister of reconstruction who saw the No. 4 reactor during a plant tour in April, said earlier this week that the building and its pool are more vulnerable than the other reactors and uncertainties remain.

TEPCO is preparing to move the fuel rods from the pool to a joint pool for all six reactors next to the building, but the process won't start until late next year. The joint pool is located on the ground level and is considered safer, even though it already has 6,000 fuel rods in it, officials said. It is expected to take 10 years before the removal of melted fuel from three damaged reactors can start.

Akio Komori, one of TEPCO executives who escorted Hosono, said the company will inspect the Reactor 4 building to reevaluate its safety to ensure its integrity while continuing with the fuel removal.

From early on, experts have raised concerns about the pool at the No. 4 reactor, where 1,535 fuel rods -- the most of any of Fukushima's six reactors -- were stored because the reactor was undergoing major refurbishing and the fuel ordinarily inside its core was also stored in the pool.

A worst-case scenario envisioned by the head of the Japan Atomic Energy Commission two weeks after last year's accident warned that a melting of the fuel rods at Unit 4 would require the evacuation of 30 million people just from the greater Tokyo area.

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